Thank you for submitting your application!
Please follow the next steps of the application process.


Kindly read and follow the instructions carefully.
Check your email, including spam mail. You will receive the same instructions stated below.
What should I do to proceed to the Grammar Test?
Read and follow the steps below:
  1. Answer the technical requirements form using the guidelines found below.
  2. Ensure that all information are correct before submitting. Failure to do so may prolong your application process.
  3. Once you submit the Technical Requirements form, kindly tick the box below to proceed to the next part which is the Grammar Test.
  4. Pass the 40-item test which consists of grammar, vocabulary, and verb tenses.
  5. Once passed, you will be redirected to Calendly to plot your test call and interview schedule.
  6. Select a schedule and instructions for the test call will be sent via email.
What should I expect during the test call and interview?
Here are the things you need to do:
  1. Go to Weblio's Device Checker:
  2. There are 2 ways on how to translate the page:
    • On the upper right part of the search bar, click the Google Translate icon then hit the "Translate" button.
    • Right click anywhere on the page then select "Translate to English".
  3. Once done translating the page, kindly check the following:
    • Plain White Background - no creases or folds
    • Headset - you should be able to hear yourself
    • Camera - observe proper camera angle and ratio between your head and the edge of your screen
    • Kindly check this image for your reference.
  4. Once done, install Skype on your computer. Click here for the instructions.
  5. Add us on Skype: Weblio Recruitment - Admin (live:.cid.fd27663e83ec59b6). You may use this link as a guide on how to add contact.
  6. Be online at least 10 minutes before your plotted schedule.
  7. Please send the following:
    • Full name:
    • Email address:
    • Test call schedule: date and time
    • Speed test result:
  8. Wait for our recruitment representative within the plotted schedule.
  9. Be reminded to use laptop or desktop. Test call will not push through if applicant is using mobile phone.
  10. Close other tabs that allow your camera and microphone (Ex: Facebook, Skype phone).
  11. You will still receive an email containing the instructions above to ensure that you are ready for your scheduled test call and interview.
You will be given instructions once you pass the test call and interview.
You will be given instructions once you're done with the workshop.
You will be given instructions once you pass the demo.

Guidelines for Technical Requirements

Technical Requirements Form

Guidelines for Technical Requirements

Technical Requirements Form