18 years and above
Tutors must be 18 years old and above
Must be computer literate
Tutor must be knowledgeable in basic computer processes
Fluent in both oral and written English
Tutor must be fluent in both oral and written English
No Working Experience
Tutor who have no working experience is acceptable
Must have a noise cancelling feature & external microphone
PC Type & Specification
Laptop or desktop with OS: Windows 10, RAM: 8GB or higher, and CPU: Core i3 and above
Teaching Environment
Plain white background, good lighting, and no background noises
At least 5 MBPS download speed & ping of not more than 30 ms
Available during peak hours from 8:00am-5:00pm PST Mondays-Fridays, but can teach 24/7
Tax Identification Number
Tax Identification Number (TIN) issued in the Philippines